Emergency Dentist

Love teeth, Hate toothache!

Dental emergencies related to teeth may be uncommon, but they can also be frightening for yourself and your friends or family.

You may experience a persistent toothache, trauma to your mouth or tooth, a crown or filling that’s fallen out, or even a dental abscess.

If you have pain, call us as soon as you can. Try not to postpone addressing the problem in hopes that it will improve with time. The longer the issue is left untreated, the more complex the treatment that may be needed.

Whilst you are waiting to be assessed:

If you have a toothache, take painkillers if you are medically able to (such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, or Nurofen). Additionally, rinse your mouth with warm salty water to help alleviate any pain.

If you have experienced trauma, part of your tooth or even the entire tooth may break off or fall out. Try to save the fractured part.

If the whole tooth has come out, with its root, handle the tooth only by the crown – do not touch the root. Avoid washing or overhandling the tooth. Place it in a cup of milk and book an appointment as soon as possible. Time is of the essence in these cases.

If your gums or face are swollen, take painkillers to manage any discomfort, rinse with salty water, and use cold packs next to the facial swelling. Additionally, call us as soon as possible to book an emergency appointment with your dentist. It’s important to stay hydrated, so drink plenty of fluids.

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Emergency Dentist